A Hit or a Miss?…Buzz meter of G buzz -> 200 buzz per min

<<<<9 million buzz in 2 days >>>>

Google has dived really hard in the pool social networking

Seismograph is buzzing Facebook & Twitter graphs

Google guys must be riding high on the positive vibes they have received from blogging crazy generation. I am not at all surprised with the success of the Gbuzz, I shouldn’t use the word success because this is too early to make a comment. Its just an add on application in Gmail.

Gmail has a base of 400 million users and the buzz counter is showing just 9 million …I don’t think so its very convincing. Lets take an average of 5-6 buzz per user who has shown a bit of curiosity in this application..so only 1.5 million users has explored this application hardly 0.4%….

Gbuzz is a mix bag of good and bad implementations. As Lots of negative feedback are flooding the market it seems bad’s has scored a point against good’s. The serious flaw that kept the bloggers busy through out the day and filled all the possible tabloids was the PRIVACY FLAW.

The world’s number one search engine claims Buzz allows users to “share updates, photos, videos, and more”. But users have discovered that unless privacy settings are changed, Buzz publicly shares details of users’ contacts.Buzz automatically builds a buddy list based on names in Google mail account. It then makes this list public on your profile. It is a bit like someone being able to peek inside your email folders.

“We think that showing followers publilcy by default makes Buzz more useful because it helps people expand their networks,” response from the Google on the privacy issue.


    1. Thanks Lucinda…

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